Nothing In It; Being the blog of Elliott C. 'Eeyore' Evans (hosted at his domain '')

This post is titled:

I Am Officially A Geek

So when I finished reading Steven Brust's new Vlad novel, Jhegaala, there was one thing I had to do. I had to scan in, OCR, and put in order all the quotes from Six Parts Water that appear at the beginning of each chapter. (No, I won't send this file to you.) In so doing, I discovered what I thought was an error. I was pretty sure that one of the quotes had been mis-labeled as to its location in the play. So, what did I do? I posted to the author's blog asking about it.

Eeyore // Aug 18, 2008 at 8:07 pm

Great book, Mr. Brust, but I'm the kind to get caught up in trivialities. I was trying to put all the "Six Parts Water" excerpts in order, and though the one from Day Two, Act IV, Scene 6 ends with "[Curtain]" there is another from Day Two, Act VI, Scene 5. Is that an error? (Sitting here in my "Songs from the Gypsy" T-Shirt being the annoying obsessive fanboy.)

I really was wearing that T-shirt, and I swear I was wearing pants below the T-shirt. Shorts, but those count, right? Even if they're twenty year old official Boy Scout uniform shorts I've had since I was a teenager, right? Anyway, an hour later, the author himself responds.

skzb // Aug 18, 2008 at 9:06 pm

Yes, it's an error.

So yay, I was completely right. Also, I'm a geek.

2008.08.19 at 7:30am EDT

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