Nothing In It; Being the blog of Elliott C. 'Eeyore' Evans (hosted at his domain '')

This post is titled:

This is Not Me

As I've mentioned before, I have a Google News Alert set up to send me email any time there's a news story that mentions my name. Most often, it's somebody named "Elliott" whose name is mentioned near somebody else's who is named "Evans". Here's a recent one that isn't like that, "Realtor and former North Myrtle Beach councilman Taylor dies".

I don't know any of those people, but a relative's passing is always sad, even if it completes a fortunate life. My sympathies to the Taylor and Evans families. We people named "Elliott Evans" have to stick together.

2009.03.30 at 12:00am EDT

All text and graphics copyright © 2007-2013 Elliott C. Evans except where otherwise noted.

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