Tortis? Whutz dat? U NO WHUT A TURDL IZ? Uv coars! SAME TING.
My muver? Lemme tel U abut my muver!
U no teh scoar, pal. If u not cop, U littul peepul.
Priss: A bassik plezzur modull.
Itz artifeeshul? Uv coarz it iz.
Is this to be an empathy test?
Moar hoomin than hoomin is ar motto.
Fiewy teh anjuls fell...
I don no such stuffz. I juzt do eyez. juzt eyez.
Enhantz fifteen tu twennytree. Gimme a hard copee rite thair.
Yu'd b serprizd whut a gy'd go tru to get a glimps of a bootiful bodee
Paynful to liv in feer, iznt it?
My frenz r toyz. I makes em. Itz a hobbi.
Der iz onlee 2 uv uz nao.
We neeed U Subasjen. Yer ar best an ony frynd.
Deh lite that burnz twize az brite burnz haff az long.
Dis sektor is clozd to grownd trafik. Whut R U doin heer?
I haz seen tings U peepul wuddint buleev.
Itz tu bad she wont liv! But den agin, hu duz?

"bLOLd runner"
is a production of

Elliott C. "Eeyore" Evans

Feel free to "hot link" these images; I pay for unlimited bandwidth.

Thanks to Cute Overload for images.

Eeyore Links: [The Flourishing Branch] [Elliott's Home Page]