It's new, it's the Swiss Army Brick™

Eight corners, six sides, thirty-three functions.

  1. Door stop
  2. Paper weight
  3. Book end
  4. Message delivery system
  5. Replacement chair leg
  6. Bludgeon
  7. Unary Calculator
  8. Single function TV remote control
  9. Automobile cruise control
  10. Cheese grater
  11. Dentifrice
  12. Antibiotic
  13. Fish scaler / hook disgorger
  14. Pot scrubber / dish washer
  15. Coaster
  16. Nail file
  17. Trivet
  18. Food Processor
  19. Placebo
  20. Gravity meter
  21. Pager
  22. Carpentry tool
  23. Exercise aid
  24. Sexual aid
  25. Dietary aid
  26. Game piece
  27. Bottle opener
  28. Burglar alarm
  29. Stepstool
  30. Pillow
  31. Tooth pick
  32. Kafkaesque statement on the pointlessness and futility of life
  33. Grave Marker

Distributed exclusively in the USA by Fuk Wid Yer Hed Productions.
Copyright © 1994 Daniel Efran and Elliott C. Evans

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