This file contains a bunch of notes I made while reading Lolita. These are all things that I had to or decided to look up while reading the novel.
Phocine (Chapter 1.11, Paragraph 7): Used to describe Charlotte. Perhaps a typo of "porcine"? DEFINED! Seal-like SEAL[2] (seel) n --n. 1. Any of various aquatic, carnivorous mammals of the families Phocidae and Otariidae, having a sleek, torpedo-shaped body and limbs that are modified into paddlelike flippers. Olisbos-like (Chapter 1.22, Paragraph 2): Used to describe a flashlight. Obelisklike? DEFINED! Phallic An olisbos was a leather phallus worn by Greek revellers. Date: Wed, 07 Jan 1998 13:38:33 -0800 From: Research & Information UnitSubject: olisbos olisbos is literally a 'slipper', can also be made of wood. Referred to also in Sappho, although the context is uncertain. an olisbokollix is a loaf of bread shaped like the same. Edusively (Chapter 2.15, Paragraph 2): "Effusively. Edusively. (placed!)" Used to describe Edusa Gold (drama coach). Possibly just a pun on her name. Flavid (Chapter 2.35, The Poem): "ripping his flavid toga" Flavius? Assassinated Roman Generals... DEFINED! Yellow. FLAVIN (FLAY'vin) n. --n. 1. Any of various water-soluble *yellow* pigments, including riboflavin, found in plant and animal tissue as coenzymes of flavoprotein.
Text The Latin poet Gaius Valerius CATULLUS, c.84-54 BC, is known chiefly for his poems to his mistress Lesbia, which since the 16th century have been widely imitated by English poets. They include poems of infatuation, of despair, and of obscene vituperation. Little is known about the life of CATULLUS except what can be reconstructed from his poems. Only one copy of his works survived the Middle Ages; it was discovered in his birthplace, Verona, early in the 14th century. In all, CATULLUS left a small but spirited collection of 116 poems written in various meters. His verse includes longer poems in the learned Greek style, erotic verse to a boy named Juventius, and occasional poems on subjects ranging from the bad manners of dinner companions to the sexual excesses of Julius Caesar. CATULLUS virtually made a religion of his love for Lesbia--in reality, Clodia, sister of Cicero's arch enemy, Clodius Pulcher. For him she was almost a divinity, someone in whose service, or servitude, a life could be well spent. In this respect, CATULLUS was the precursor of the love poets of the next generation--OVID, PROPERTIUS, and TIBULLUS--as well as of the medieval tradition of COURTLY LOVE. His poetry is widely considered the epitome of lyricism, of direct and impassioned sincerity; yet his verse is also learned and allusive. Its union of passion and elegance suggests that CATULLUS wrote with one eye on his mistress and the other on the Greek poets, especially Callimachus and Sappho. STEELE COMMAGER Biblio. Bibliography: Ferguson, J., CATULLUS (1985); Havelock, Eric A., The Lyric Genius of CATULLUS (1939; repr. 1967); Quinn, Kenneth, ed., CATULLUS, Poems (1970), Approaches to CATULLUS (1972), and CATULLUS (1973); Ross, David O., Jr., Style and Tradition in CATULLUS (1969); Wigham, Peter, Poems of CATULLUS (1966); Wiseman, T. P., CATULLUS and His World (1985).
Text Phineas Parkhurst QUIMBY, b. Lebanon, N.H., Feb. 16, 1802, d. Jan. 16, 1866, developed a philosophy of mental healing that laid the foundation for NEW THOUGHT. At first a hypnotist, he turned to mental healing in the belief that he had rediscovered the secret of Jesus' healing ministry. He held that all disease is an error of the mind and could be cured by a proper understanding of the relation between the divine and the human. One of QUIMBY's patients was Mary Baker EDDY, who may have derived from him the inspiration for CHRISTIAN SCIENCE; she denied this, however. The New Thought movement grew out of the "mental science" of another QUIMBY patient, Warren Felt Evans. Biblio. Bibliography: Dresser, H. W., ed., The QUIMBY Manuscripts (1921); Hawkins, Ann B., Phineas Parkhurst QUIMBY (1970). Article Number 0240520-0
Text {nah-baw'-kawv, vlah-dee'-mir} One of the 20th century's master craftsmen of fiction, Vladimir Vladimirovich NABOKOV, b. Saint Petersburg, Apr. 23, 1899, d. Montreux, Switzerland, July 2, 1977, was born into a family of cosmopolitan Russian aristocrats. At a very early age he learned English and French, becoming in his words, "a perfectly normal trilingual child." He settled on a literary career while still in his teens, publishing his first two volumes of Russian verse in 1914 and 1918. He also won recognition as an expert on butterflies, an interest that proved lifelong. He was educated at the Tenishev Academy in Saint Petersburg, and after the Russian Revolution continued his studies at Cambridge University, where he earned a B.A. in Slavic and Romance languages in 1922. The years NABOKOV spent among Russian emigre circles in Berlin (1922-37) and Paris (1937-40) constituted the first mature phase of his writing career. There, in addition to a quantity of poems, plays, and short stories, he published nine complete Russian novels under the pseudonym V. Sirin. Brilliantly playful and inventive in style, tone, and point of view, these works--notably Laughter in the Dark (1932; Eng. trans., 1938), Despair (1936; Eng. trans., 1937), and Invitation to a Beheading (1938; Eng. trans., 1959)--revealed NABOKOV's affinities with those writers, from Laurence Sterne to James Joyce, who had treated fiction as in part a game. Before moving with his wife and son to the United States in 1940, NABOKOV tested his skill as an English-language novelist by writing The Real Life of Sebastian Knight (1941). Although somewhat uncertain in its final effect, the book showed a high level of verbal and narrative proficiency and--along with a stronger second English novel, Bend Sinister (1947)--brought him both recognition (Guggenheim grants for writing in 1943 and 1952) and academic employment, first at Stanford, then at Wellesley, and finally at Cornell (1948-59). The latter university provided the background for his satirical portrait of a bumbling Russian emigre professor, Pnin (1957). NABOKOV became famous in 1958 upon publication of the American edition of his wildly amusing, highly idiosyncratic masterpiece, Lolita (first published in Paris, 1955). This success gave him financial independence--he abandoned his teaching career for full-time writing and moved to Switzerland in 1959--and provided him with an opportunity to prepare English-language versions of his Russian novels. NABOKOV's reputation reached a peak with the appearance of still later novels in English. Pale Fire (1962) proved to be NABOKOV's most elaborate "game." Consisting of a 999-line poem, supposedly written by a recently deceased American poet, and an extensive commentary, supposedly written by one of the poet's university colleagues, the novel becomes at another level the confession of a mad king exiled from a country much like Russia. The idea of obsession with forbidden erotic pleasures, which accounted for so much of the success and controversy surrounding Lolita, was explored even more fully in Ada (1969). The text is a fictional narrator's memoir, written when he is in his 90s, memorializing his long love affair with his sister, the title character. Although engaging, the last novels, Transparent Things (1972) and Look at the Harlequins] (1974), were not as powerful as their forerunners. Because he so passionately rejected the idea of fiction as a vehicle for social and moral messages, and so thoroughly adopted the aesthetic point of view, NABOKOV alienated a large group of readers. Nevertheless, few writers have matched the precision and vividness of his images, the lyricism of his sentences, or the complexity and richness of formal patterning in his fictional worlds. DONALD E. MORTON Biblio. Bibliography: Appel, Alfred, Jr., NABOKOV's Dark Cinema (1974); Bader, Julia, Crystal Land: Artifice in NABOKOV's English Novels (1972); Boyd, Brian, Vladimir NABOKOV: The Russian Years (1990); Dembo, L. S., ed., NABOKOV: The Man and His Work (1967); Field, Andrew, NABOKOV: His Life in Art (1967) and NABOKOV: His Life in Part (1977); Fowler, Douglas, Reading NABOKOV (1974); Lee, Lawrence L., Vladimir NABOKOV (1976); Morton, Donald E., Vladimir NABOKOV (1974); NABOKOV, Vladimir, Speak, Memory: An Autobiography Revisited, rev. ed. (1966) and Selected Letters, 1940-1977, edited by Dmitri NABOKOV and Matthew J. Bruccoli (1989); Stegner, Page, Escape Into Aesthetics: The Art of Vladimir NABOKOV (1966); Stuart, Dabney, NABOKOV: The Dimensions of Parody (1978). Article Number 0202840-0
Text MELANIE Klein, b. Vienna, Mar. 30, 1882, d. London, Sept. 24, 1960, pioneered in the psychoanalysis of children and invented play therapy. Klein's analyses of infantile and child development have been of key importance to psychoanalytic theory on personality development. In particular, she studied the earliest beginnings of the Oedipus complex and superego and analyzed personality origins in terms of paranoid- schizoid and depressive patterns. Biblio. Bibliography: Segal, Hanna, Introduction to the Work of MELANIE Klein, 2d ed. (1974).
Text {vys} A German playwright and novelist who has helped develop the concept of documentary drama, Peter WEISS, b. Nov. 8, 1916, is most famous for his play Marat/Sade, which uses the French insane asylum of Charenton in 1808 as a metaphorical image of contemporary society. After being forced to leave Germany in 1934, WEISS eventually settled in Sweden, where he established himself as a painter and as a director of avant-garde films. His first three plays--The Tower (1948; Eng. trans., 1966), Die Versicherung (Insurance, 1952), and Night with Guests (1963; Eng. trans., 1968)--show the influence of Kafka and the French THEATER OF THE ABSURD. With Marat/Sade (1963; Eng. trans., 1965; film, 1966), WEISS's political perspective changed, and in his next three plays, all experiments in documentary theater--The Investigation (1965; Eng. trans., 1966), Song of the Lusitanian Bogey (1965; Eng. trans., 1970), and Vietnam Discourse (1968; Eng. trans., 1970)--he employed the alienation techniques developed by Bertolt BRECHT to raise the audience's social consciousness to explore different kinds of political and racial oppression. WEISS has also published a series of autobiographical novels and stories, notably Leavetaking (1961; Eng. trans., 1962) and Vanishing Point (1962; Eng. trans., 1966). JACK ZIPES Biblio. Bibliography: Best, Otto F., Peter WEISS, trans. by Ursule Molinaro (1976); Hilton, Ian, Peter WEISS: A Search for Affinities (1970). Article Number 0309800-0
Word VAIR (var) n. Definition --n. 1. A fur, probably squirrel, much used in medieval times to line and trim robes. 2. A heraldic representation of fur. Etymology ME vaire < OFr. VAIR < Lat. varius, variegated. Domain Art, Politics Word CANTRIP (KAN'trip) n. Definition --n. 1. A magic spell; a witch's trick. 2. A mischievous trick; prank. Usage Scot. Etymology Orig. unknown. Domain British Word PROCRUSTEAN also PROCRUSTEAN (proh-KRUHS'tee-uhn) adj. Definition --adj. 1. Producing or designed to produce conformity by ruthless or arbitrary means. 2. Having merciless disregard for individual differences or special circumstances. Etymology After Procrustes, a mythical Greek giant who stretched or shortened captives to make them fit his beds < prokrouein, to stretch out : pro-, forth + krouein, to beat. Word PROCRUSTEAN bed also PROCRUSTEAN bed n. Word PROCRUSTEAN bed also PROCRUSTEAN bed n. Definition --n. An arbitrary standard to which exact conformity is forced.