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So, I'm thinking it's been about nine years that I've been going to Geek Night. A reporter called me earlier this week to interview me about the event, so I thought I'd write a few words about it here.
Geek Night is a social event, first and foremost. There are no dues, nobody takes attendance, and the closest thing to a membership list is a mailing list to receive reminders. There are no officers, no hierarchy, and nobody is technically "in charge". There are a few people who handle making the arrangements for the event and providing a personal front end, but the don't make speeches and I bet most attendees would be hard pressed to pick them out of the crowd. Geek Night is not a meeting, it is a bunch of geeks taking over a large percentage of a large bar. We eat, we drink, and we socialize.
Secondarily, it's a professional networking night. Some food is provided, and this is typically paid for by a local company that is looking to hire some geeks. Most people use it to keep track of former co-workers, and it's not unusual to chat with friends who are looking for new opportunities, or who are looking to help fill an opening at the company where they work.
Thirdly, Geek night is an excuse to go to the Church Brew Works for a few beers and some food. The beer is brewed on the premises, and is pretty good. The food is also good, and pairs well with the beer. The ambiance is unparalleled in Pittsburgh. The CBW is a converted church with high ceilings, good acoustics, and an altar to the spirits of zymurgy.
You should come.
2007.10.04 at 10:30am EDT
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