Nothing In It; Being the blog of Elliott C. 'Eeyore' Evans (hosted at his domain '')

This post is titled:

The Last Stationer

Today I needed to go dahntahn to pick up some paperwork, so I stopped off at the last real stationers in Pittsburgh, Weldin's. It's the only place I can find where you can walk in and buy a single medium ball point red ink pen. This store has been in business for over 150 years, and their web site looks like it. (That's a joke.) Anyway, they have a cat who lives in the store, which is cool. They used to have a huge selection of globes and maps upstairs, but now that's mostly gift items. I just needed a single single medium ball point red ink pen, and they sold me one. Try that in your city. Let me know how it goes.

2008.12.15 at 8:55pm EST

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