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The first International Icehouse Tournament was held Memorial Day weekend in 1989. Today is the twentieth IIT, because we had year without a tournament. Ever since the the twelfth IIT, I've been designing commeorative statshpads for each tournament, and printing them for tournament participants. This year, you can download a PDF of the design and print it for your enjoyment. It's slightly different from the actual tournament pads, and here it is. (Follow the link to download.)
If you turn and flip the paper, you can print this PDF four times on a single 8.5"x11" piece of cardstock to get four stashpads,
If you don't get the joke, pull out your copy of the Beatles' "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band".
2009.02.27 at 12:00am EDT
All text and graphics copyright © 2007-2013 Elliott C. Evans except where otherwise noted.
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