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So, Pennsic was cool. Most of the rain fell out of the sky the week before we went up, so my rain haori was mostly useless. The magic began to wear off toward the end of the week, and it started getting drizzly, but nothing major. Sharon had to travel for work the next day, so we had to leave camp without helping out much on clean up, but hopefully next year we can help out extra.
I braided (a lot) I completed four braids in the week, one of which was quite long. I also went around to the different merchants who were selling kumihimo stuff and chatted with them, and tried to make contact with more kumihimo enthusiasts. Sharon and I chipped in on a nice set of 16 tama for her, and we bought two more books for the reference library. I also bought some brightly colored silk threads, and a replacement water dropper for my suzuribako.
One thing that will stick this Pennsic in my mind is that due to a space crunch, we wound up having to set up the fly on our tent across a space that people were already using as a thoroughfare. Part of the deal was that we had to keep that space clear of stuff so people could pass quickly through the camp without having to detour around "Yurtistan". This was actually cool since we got a very central location in the camp and were able to do a lot of people watching.
I wound up selling some of the marudai I'd made for sale, which was cool, and I even wound up selling one of my eboshi when the only merchant selling them ran out of stock. Time to sit down and make a bunch of eboshi, I guess.
2009.08.19 at 12:00am EDT
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