Nothing In It; Being the blog of Elliott C. 'Eeyore' Evans (hosted at his domain '')

This post is titled:

Project Southwest Shirt

I haven't really done any sewing in more than a year, and I was recently in a fabric store when they were having a sale on polyester fleece, so, inspired by our recent vacation in the Southwest, I decided to make a new shirt.

Southwest Shirt

In the winter, I'll often wear a large shirt over a long sleeve T-shirt of some kind. I used the pyjama pattern that I've had some success with in the past. It makes a nice loose shirt, and leaves out a lot of the detail that my favorite dress shirt pattern has. The pyjama pattern has a solid cuff with no buttons or placket, and a one-piece collar that's meant to lie open.

The shirt came out well, and should be a nice loud addition to my usually somber winter wardrobe. I'm particularly proud of how well I got the fabric pattern to match on the pocket. I'm thinking of sewing on some of the patches I bought at the grand canyon to decorate it.

It was really great to sit down in front of the sewing machine again after so much time. Making this shirt took me most of Saturday, but getting it all done in one day was very fulfilling. I have three or four other sewing projects on my list, so maybe I'll actually get them done before summer.

2010.02.01 at 12:00am EST

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