Nothing In It; Being the blog of Elliott C. 'Eeyore' Evans (hosted at his domain '')

This post is titled:

Back from Blogcation

Not just blogcation, but actual personal vacation, and not just vacation in space, but in time. It was time for our annnoual vacation into the midle ages, at the Pennsic War.

As usual, it was way too hot. It didn't rain as much as it sometimes does, until the very last day when it poured and the wind blew hard enough to knock some tents down in our camp.

Then, on Sunday, we couldn't get Sharon's car started and it had to be towed. Thanks to our excellent friends (in particular the set with the rented van) we got home without too much trouble, but still, sigh.

I did a bunch of braiding, a bunch of teaching of braiding, a little woodworking, a passel of hanging out discussing projects, and a modicum of drinking. I met a bunch of new people this year, which was terrific, and saw some friends from way back, which was awesome. I took zero pictures, sorry.

2010.08.16 at 7:00am EDT

All text and graphics copyright © 2007-2013 Elliott C. Evans except where otherwise noted.

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