Nothing In It; Being the blog of Elliott C. 'Eeyore' Evans (hosted at his domain '')

This post is titled:

Long Twill Braid

Back in April, when Sharon and I took that class with Rodrick Owen, I asked him what marudai braid he thought best approximated the type of braids used in Japanese armor. In June, he sent me a pattern for imitating a twill takadai braid on the marudai. I started it soopn after, and I finally finished it up.

Brown Twill Braid

Yes, I've been braiding this braid (on and off) for the past five months. It is almost 21 feet long. The braid is a 17 strand braid with a twill structure. I used cotton embroidery floss, in three different colors of brown. I had originally set up the marudai to do a very fast 16 strand braid, but when Mr. Owen sent me this pattern I added one more strand and got going. Wow, now I have a lot of it. I think I have a use for about 12 or 14 feet of it.

The braiding pattern is actually quite simple, much like the square braid pattern I used for braids like braid 93, but the 17th strand allows the braid to open flat. It really should not have taken me this long to complete even this much braid, but I was only working on it part time, and actually did some other braids in between.

2010.10.30 at 12:00am EDT

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