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After I made the household banner, I realized that since one of the members of the household was being knighted in the near future, I should make a banner for him as a gift.
Banner of Sir Thomas Byron of Haverford
After that, it was time to tackle the difficult one, a banner for the head of our household.
Banner of Sir Maghnus an Chnoic na n'Iora
Yes, painting that repeating pattern (called "vair") by hand was a pain, but I figured it was easier to just do it than to figure out some clever way of avoiding that work by doing some other kind of work.
These are both about 15 inches wide and about 5 feet long. Sir Byron's is painted on blue wool, and Sir Maghnus' is painted on white linen. Both used Jacquard "Neopaque" acrylic fabric paint.
2012.01.19 at 12:00am EST
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