Nothing In It; Being the blog of Elliott C. 'Eeyore' Evans (hosted at his domain '')

This post is titled:

Second Browser

If you have an Android smartphone, you may be wondering why you would possibly the want to install another web browser. The default web browser is OK. It's a little slow at times, but it has some handy features and handles standard web sites well on small screens. Why bother? If you have already installed a second (or third) browser, you may be wondering if you should make one of those your default program to use for web browsing. I mean, if you like the new browser better, why not make it the default so you're not asked all the time which application to use?

My answers to these questions are these: Install at least one additional web browser. Never choose a default.

My main reason is this: When you choose a default, or have no second web browser, every time you touch a web link or ad banner in any application the default browser starts and takes you someplace. If you have multiple browsers and no default, touching a web link or banner ad brings up a dialog requesting that you select an application to use. This dialog also has a "Cancel" button.

The advantage of that should be obvious.

2013.07.03 at 9:00am EDT

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