XII IIT Finals Photo Album
game1: The calm before the storm.
game1: ...and they're off!
game1: Jacob attacks into Eeyore's half-constructed fortress.
game1: Pain sharing.
game1: The monster fortress develops.
game1: The prisoner exchange.
game1: The initial (incorrect) Icehouse call by Jacob.
game1: The second (correct, though fruitless) Icehouse call by Liam.
game1: Time, and we were discussing how to drag Jacob down by a couple points.
game2: Waiting for Godot.
game2: Eeyore is already below the stash limit, and Jacob has only played two pieces.
game2: Liam inadvertently over-ices Eeyore's 2-pointer.
game2: Floss, er, rubber-band call.
game2: Status of the game.
game2: Most of the tape actually looks like this.
game2: ...and then when the smoke clears, Jacob has done some important things.
game2: Dan has done some interesting things over here, too.
game2: Jacob decides the time is running out.
game2: Time runs out, and look at all those points on Eeyore's stash pad.
game3: Jacob goofs for the camera.
game3: Liam goofs for the camera and almost hair-crashes.
game3: Y'know, I hate games that start like this.
game3: It's like a game of twister.
game3: Eeyore with the sneaky fortress.
game3: Everybody leans back for a second.
game3: Dan and Eeyore are played out.
game3: Jacob, what's that near your neck?
game3: That game ends before the timer, for once.
game3: Superjudge John 'Dr. Cool' Cooper scores the game.
misc: Adam waves to the camera.
misc: Liam, toK, and Jacob talking history.
misc: John preparing to announce the winner.
misc: Master of Ceremonies, John Cooper.
misc: Dan Isaac's first IIT, and he makes the finals.
misc: Liam takes second place.
misc: Jake is the winnah!