()=Solo Win []=Two Way Tie {}=Three Way Tie I=Icehouse xx=Unplayed Game
# Player's Name Ice-Off Scores Rating Games - -------------------- ------------------- ------ ----- 1 Donovan Chase 18 17 (24) 22 xx 128 1 3 4 2 Rob Bryan 21 (20) 22 22 20 128 2 3 4 3 John White (27) 23 (22) 16 23 216 1 3 5 <- Green 4 Jeff Porestsky 16 I 12 (26)(24) 198 1 4 5 <- Yellow 5 Dale Newfield 21 17 21 [27](26) 185 3 4 5 <- Red 6 Greg Crowe 09 [25] 19 25 19 103.5 2 4 5 7 Eeyore (27)[25] 22 (24)[27] 273 1 4 5 <- Blue 8 Dave Wendland 22 I 10 I 15 37 1 2 5 9 Joe Hertz 18 18 24 20 (28) 144 3 4 5 10 Paul King 12 17 23 xx xx 52 1 2 3Donovan Chase (Player #1) had to leave early, with one Ice-off game still unplayed. His rating was computed anyway.
Paul King (Player #10) registered for the tourney with less than an hour left in the Ice-offs. His third game was only seven minutes long.
# Finalist Score Rating -- -------------------- ------------------- ------ 3 John White 14 25 20 20 (30) 218 4 Jeff Poretsky 17 I 21 19 21 78 5 Super Twinkie (25) 15 18 17 12 174 7 Eeyore 23 (27)(25)(22) 11 432 <-- The Winner!