14th International Icehouse Tournament (2003)

Highlighted cells indicate winning scores. Struck scores did not count towards rating.
Name Ice-Off Games Finals Awards
Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Rating Games Rating
BE# Last First 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Sum Wins Rating 1 2 3 Sum Wins Rating
A 314 Bryan Liam 28 27 20 27 102 2.5 357 20 24 28 72 1 144 Finalist
B 420 Looney Andrew 26 20 28 24 98 1.5 245 21 27 26 74 0 74 Finalist
C 99 Cieslik Chris 20 26 28 19 93 2 279 26 21 26 73 1 146 Finalist
D 30 Evans Eeyore 21 19 16 20 20 75 0 75
E 4 Davenport Jacob 30 24 27 27 108 2.5 378 24 28 23 75 1 150 Champion
F 212 Seiger Tim 0 11 17 23 51 0 51
G 2 Taylor Tucker 22 23 24 15 84 1 168
H 151 McGuire Ryan 19 25 19 13 30 87 1 174
I 444 Welton Jesse 22 16 17 16 71 0.5 106.5
J 243 Lighton Julian 13 18 23 24 78 0.5 117
K 111 Kelly Yvonne 22 23 22 23 21 89 1 178 CTI
L 244 Sugarbaker Mike 21 16 20 15 23 74 1 148
M 50 Isaac Dan 14 18 21 18 71 0 71
N 333 Zuckerman Eric 22 22 26 22 92 1 184

Comments from Eeyore

The tournament went very smoothly this year, and thanks to the cooperation of the participants the whole thing went off without a hitch or any kind of delay. We used the McGuire schedules again, with four games for each player. Due to the odd number of players, some people had to play games at the beginning to round out the schedule. I think in the future that I'll use the schedule that minimizes the number of games that are dropped. Even though that leads to people sitting around at the beginning, dropped scores really bite.

We played with the random "9 minutes plus 1D6" timer that people were asking for after last year, and I was very happy with that. Thanks to Cooper for being willing to run the games like this, and for doing all the judging this year. Thanks again to the players for not making this too hard on the Doc.

Congratulations to Chris Cieslik for displaying his famous beginners luck once again by making the finals the first time he's participated in the tournament. Congratulations to Yvonne Kelly for being so impressively cool and putting up with this horde of fanatics she fell in with. Congratulations to Andy Looney and Liam Bryan for fighting the good fight. Congratulations of course to Jacob, who continues to impress us all. Most off all though, thanks to everyone who played. Every game I played in was exciting and skillfully played.