Comet Pennons

More than six years ago, the Baroness of the Debatable Lands asked me if I would organize people to make new pennons to hang from the new Baronial “list ropes”. The list ropes are used to form the boundaries of the fighting lists (think “boxing ring”) during tournaments, especially where you might have multiple fights happening at once. Penons hanging from the ropes makes them more visible and more festive. In the SCA, people fight for fun and honor. Festive is good!

These penons are about 12 inches long and are made from the same cotton/poly material we use for windscreens. We painted comets on them as a group activity at the Baronial 50th Aniversary event, and I finished them up over the holidays. There are Seventeen of them!

The paint is just Jacquard Neopaque White. These might get caught out in the rain, or might need to be thrown in the washer. This is not the time for historical re-creation, but practical thing-making. I still need to get my hand on the list ropes themselves so I can attach the pennons, but that should happen later this month. I don’t have a block or screen for printing these, so each comet is a unique little snowflake. I hope people enjoy recognizing the ones they painted.